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Catch breast cancer EARLY.

Learn your risk and schedule imaging and tests with same or next day virtual appointments with a breast specialist.

HSA/FSA eligible

get answers now

Accessible care, fast.

No need to wait months to get an appointment. Learn your risk and meet with a breast specialist virtually same-day, next day.

Specialist knowledge.

Licensed nurse practitioners who are experts in breast health will review your results with you and make a plan.

Tests ordered & scheduled.

Your breast specialist will order and schedule the appropriate tests getting you the right care, faster than usual.

We meet you wherever you're at

If you found a lump in your breast.

Have you found a breast lump or been concerned about a symptom for a while now?

Gabbi can:

  • Provide urgent care for your symptoms.
  • Order a mammogram or breast MRI to get the answers you need.

If you need genetic testing.

Had a loved one diagnosed with breast cancer and want to understand how this impacts your risk?

Gabbi can:

  • Provide genetic counseling to discuss your options.
  • Order genetic testing, shipped to your home or at a local lab.

If you want to learn about your risk factors.

Has no one ever explained your risk of getting breast cancer and what you can do to reduce it?

Gabbi can:

  • Assess your personal risk of breast cancer.
  • Develop a plan based on your risk.

Learn your risk

How it works

When you can't afford to wait for an answer, Gabbi is here for you.

breast lump
nipple discharge
breast rash


Understand the best next steps for you

  • Being aware of your breast health is like wearing sunscreen - an easy way to take care of yourself.
  • Your personalized risk results are unique to you. The Gabbi team can help you understand your best path forward.
  • And good news… you can decrease your risk over time.
Get Immediate Support
same-day or next-day care
I found a lump, do I need a mammogram?
I've had breast pain for weeks, it just got worse.
I have dimpling around my nipple, is that normal?


Speak with one of our breast specialists

  • Learn more about your risk of breast cancer from a licensed nurse practitioner trained in breast health.
  • Come out empowered with clear next steps.


Get care

  • Your breast specialist can order appropriate tests and screening for you.
  • They’ll help you locate the most convenient & cost-effective facility with your insurance.
  • If you’ve already scheduled a visit with your PCP or OBGYN, your Gabbi clinician will equip you with a list of questions for a thorough second opinion.
Get Immediate Support

Personalized Risk Score


Risk Assessment

In just a few minutes of your time, our risk assessment combines information about your family history of cancer, ancestry, lifestyle, knowledge of genetic mutations, childbearing history, and more to determine whether you're at average or increased risk for breast cancer.

Risk Report

You'll not only learn your risk, but you'll see which factors specifically drive that risk. Knowledge is power, and not all risk is created equal. You'll learn what steps you can take to decrease your risk over time, and how those actions can lead to early diagnosis that can save your life.

1:1 Virtual Appointments

Telehealth appointment: $175 FSA & HSA accepted.

Breast Health Clinical Care

Our team of clinical breast specialists serve as your partner for optimal breast health. We conduct virtual telehealth appointments to help you better understand your risk and design an achievable action plan (screenings, genetic testing, etc.) based on your unique risk profile. Our care team cares deeply about our patients. We listen and we work on your behalf to make sure you get the care you need.

- Urgent care for your concerns.

- Personalized plan with your next steps for care.

- Order appropriate testing and imaging, if needed.

- Empathetic care that listens to your worries.

Meet with our experts

Gabbi's providers specialize in breast health. They listen, support, and help you stay in control of your own health.

Get Immediate Support

★★★★★ Reviews from our Community

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Learn Your Risk

As Seen In

Wall Street Journal
Business Insider
Portland Business Journal
StartUp Health
Portland Monthly
San Francisco Business Times
CB Insights
Top50 in digital health
7wire Ventures

About Us

Our Story

Kaitlin Christine, Gabbi’s Founder and CEO, lost her mom to late-stage breast cancer in 2013. Despite regular mammograms, her mom’s cancer went undetected; it took four types of testing to ultimately find it, and by then it was too late. Shortly after her mom passed away, Kaitlin found a lump herself when she was just 24. During preventative surgery to limit her risk, she too was diagnosed with breast cancer. Kaitlin made it her mission to eradicate late-stage breast cancer, and spent a decade specializing in hereditary cancer at leading healthcare companies. She launched Gabbi to save lives with prevention and early detection tools.

Get Started

Together, we can make late-stage cancer obsolete.

Learn Your Risk

Keep in touch

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Team and CareersPress
Contact Ushello@gabbi.com